At the Kavaton® factory and farms in Fiji
By Network Nutrition
People sometimes ask us why we test for testing’s sake. Because we need to understand what it is about our ‘race cars’ that make them go faster. And how to make them faster yet. Brand Director Ryan Gorman is at the Kavaton® factory and farms in Fiji this week getting behind the wheel. Kavaton® is so super traceable. We can tell the particular Kava variety thanks to our fresh green Kava processing stance, and it doesn’t hurt that we send our own trucks to the individual farmers to load the freshly picked Kava and have it processed at our facility nearby to Suva within about 24 hours. Provenance, transparency, traceability, quality. These are just some of the attributes you’ve come to know and adore with Network Nutrition. FRESH IS BEST. We welcome our Kavaton® customers to come see it for themselves. Bula Vinaka!