NHPNZ Innovation Expo

Brand Director Ryan Gorman to kick us off at the NHPNZ Innovation Expo in Auckland.

New Zealand’s Innovation Expo

We look forward to seeing all you Beautiful People in Beautiful New Zealand!

Kavaton Effervescent tablets

Kavaton Effervescent tablets fully loaded with 600mg Kavaton per tab.

Kavaton @ SSW

There’s still time to get your hands on hot AF Kavaton merch.

Kavaton at SupplySide West Las Vegas

Our exposé of Kavaton at SupplySide West Las Vegas.

Asia Nutraceutical and Food

The Asia Nutraceutical and Food sector is our most recent frontier.

FI & Vitafoods Asia

Seeing you this week at FI & Vitafoods Asia in Bangkok!

Rhodiola rosea

With the recent ascension of Rhodiola rosea to the CITES List (Appendix II), supply chains have been thrown into a spin.


Our Plantfolio™ comprises 160 plant-based active ingredients derived from 82 unique plant species.


We’re delighted to announce the newest addition to the Network Nutrition Plantfolio – please meet EquiSil™.